Carriers and Technology

The telecommunications and networking industries face many challenges to balance the cost, complexity, sustainability, and manageability of emerging technologies. myphantompath works to mitigate these challenges.



myphantompath offers multiple differentiators to carrier security, MEC/SDN, network transport, and managed service portfolios through unique implementation and technical resources. myphantompath secure data transport can be integrated into the network fabric across a carrier portfolio and enables core security functionality in SASE, MEC, and SDN fabric offerings.



myphantompath automates and simplifies the encryption of traffic between untrusted endpoints across insecure networks, which previously was difficult to impossible and very expensive to secure at scale. myphantompath leverages the computational power of public and private clouds and changes the economics of network layer encryption.



Zero Trust Network Access

  • myphantompath policy distribution at the endpoint delivers a superior implementation of untrusted endpoints, providing policy enforcement and traffic encryption as required by policy.

  • myphantompath policies reinforce zero trust by defining which endpoints can communicate with which resources, whether they can communicate at all, and when they can communicate.


  • myphantompath applies the functionality of enclaves within policy definition. Policy enforcement establishes microsegmentation as an additional security capability to reduce endpoint visibility and to virtualize the networking between endpoints.


  • myphantompath enables SASE functionality with the necessary orchestrations to deliver quality-of-service (QoS)-optimized and software-as-a-service (SaaS)-accelerated connections. myphantompath provides this functionality to SASE components like data loss protection (DLP), malware inspection, and user and application behavior analytics (UABA) by applying networking routing to these services, based upon policy and other external factors, such as security actions or CISO standards.


MEC/Edge Computing

Securing the Edge

  • Isolation and encryption are the foundations on which to build the confidence users and enterprises require to realize the promise of 5G and edge computing of MEC.

  • myphantompath delivers guaranteed validation of the connections as well as the encryption of any data being transmitted to and from the enterprise. 

Private 5G/LTE

  • Integration with myphantompath technology strengthens and enhances access control, encryption, and authentication for private 5G and LTE. 

  • myphantompath helps secure carrier service offerings, such as private 5G/LTE and secure networks.  

  • myphantompath enables Zero Trust, enclave administration, and the orchestration of any policy  requiring additional security functions including Data Loss Protection, Deep Packet Inspection, access control, encryption, and other common security services.



Network Isolation and Provider Vulnerability

  • Zero Trust Policy enforcement incorporates into the implementation the capability of enclaves used in the definition of the virtual networking instantiation between a group of endpoint connections.

  • The functionality of enclaves is an integral part of policy definition and enforcement, which enables network isolation and reduces provider vulnerability.

Network Control

  • Networks are moving from physical to virtual—such as the virtual network functions (VNF) of 5G. Vulnerabilities in network virtualization and its execution requires securing each endpoint directly. By attaching controls into endpoint networking components, myphantompath ensures access control and security.  

  • myphantompath dark networking (obfuscation) capability reduces attack surfaces further within the networking components of the infrastructure network. If you can’t control endpoint security, you can’t secure the network. 

Protects Industrial IoT

  • Security is not built into an IoT device at the onset, so myphantompath protects industrial IoT (IIoT) environments by securing constrained devices with a virtual network adapter to enable true end-to-end encryption, enabling device-to-edge or edge-to-edge encryption, authenticating and authorizing devices via policy enforcement, securing access for remote devices, encrypting communications to ensure transactional confidentiality and integrity, lowering cost, and increasing utility.